Mignonette Doll Pattern Wraps
Velvet Stole, Silk Apron, and Red Flannel Cape
Pattern and Printed Fabric Sheet
October 1878
Mignonette Doll Pattern Wraps – October 1878 issue of La Poupee Modele had three items for the little pocket dolls. These include a printed fabric sheet for a red flannel cape with a hood, a printed cardboard pattern for a black velvet stole and a black silk apron. The beautiful velvet stole is suitable to go to the opera. The flannel cape will do well for everyday wear. And of course, every little girl needs an apron to cover her dresses.
The pattern includes detailed directions to complete the stole, cape, and apron as shown and a printed fabric sheet with both lining fabric and flannel for the red flannel cape. It also includes cardboard patterns for the velvet stole and silk apron with black velvet and black silk fabric and all the trims you need. The dolls pictured are 4 1/2″ and 5 1/4″ tall.
Fits most all bisque dolls 5″ – 6″.