Favorite Links


Below you will find some of my favorite links to other websites that I think you might enjoy because they offer news, products or helpful resources and information about dolls. If you feel your website would be of interest to my visitors and you would like to exchange links please use the form HERE to submit your request. Please feel free to make the reciprocal link as you wish, but there are two links with codes that you may want use on your website.


Crafts Directory – You can find links to free doll making resources and free doll patterns available for downloading or printing, doll making supplies, kits, and patterns for sale, as well as links to shops with finished handcrafted dolls and doll accessories available. http://www.craftsitedirectory.com/ – view more details…


Doll Doctor’s Association – Dedicated to the sharing of knowledge, techniques and philosophies associated with the restoration and preservation of antique and modern dolls.  http://www.dolldoctorsassociation.com/ – view more details…

The Porcelain Place – The Porcelain Place has the best porcelain slip on the market today. I use it for all my antique reproduction dolls. They have other wonderful products also.   http://theporcelainplace.com/ – view more details…


DOLL REPAIR PARTS – We offer a huge selection of porcelain doll parts! Doll Eyes, Stands, Clothing, shoes, doll wigs and so much more! http://www.dollrepairparts.com/ – view more details…